Salceda supports IATF move to study incentives for vaccination; House tax chair says LGUs may need help with vaccination scheduling and database keeping, asks government to buy brands “with popular demand” to ramp up vax uptake

October 30th, 2021

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‘We need help’: Salceda renews call to boost Bicol vaccine supply as region still “among lowest in the nation” for vax rate

October 13th, 2021

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Salceda: Vaccination incentive, easy registration better than raffle in encouraging Pinoys to get COVID-19 jabs; House tax chief cites disparity in Vax allocation as key dampener of jabbing rate

October 10th, 2021

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Salceda cites slowdown in daily vaccinations, urges local governments to encourage more vaccinations, explore incentives; House tax chair says vaccine stock enough for one month of ‘aggressive’ vaccination; Procurement talks now needed for COVID-19 drug Molnupiravir

October 8th, 2021

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