Salceda lauds “largely successful” pilot face-to-face classes, urges DepEd to address remaining gaps before full return to physical lessons; House econ recovery co-chair hopes for fully open schools by August

January 25th, 2022

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Salceda to DOH: Its okay to copy CDC but better to make our guidelines, protocols to prevent hospital personnel shortages, ease pressure off of urban hospitals

January 24th, 2022

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Salceda wants expansion of Alternative Learning System as DepEd considers more face-to-face classes; House tax chair wants catch-up plan for learners “left behind” by pandemic

January 19th, 2022

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Salceda: Stronger agriculture is key to resurgent Philippine economy as IMF warns against “economic turbulence” in emerging economies

January 15th, 2022

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On pediademic: Salceda calls for stronger screening, informed consent amid preparations for pediatric vaccination; House tax chair calls on government to “learn from lessons of Dengvaxia”

January 13th, 2022

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