Salceda lauds “largely successful” pilot face-to-face classes, urges DepEd to address remaining gaps before full return to physical lessons; House econ recovery co-chair hopes for fully open schools by August
Salceda to DOH: Its okay to copy CDC but better to make our guidelines, protocols to prevent hospital personnel shortages, ease pressure off of urban hospitals
Salceda wants expansion of Alternative Learning System as DepEd considers more face-to-face classes; House tax chair wants catch-up plan for learners “left behind” by pandemic
Salceda supports IATF move to study incentives for vaccination; House tax chair says LGUs may need help with vaccination scheduling and database keeping, asks government to buy brands “with popular demand” to ramp up vax uptake
Salceda: Vaccination incentive, easy registration better than raffle in encouraging Pinoys to get COVID-19 jabs; House tax chief cites disparity in Vax allocation as key dampener of jabbing rate
Salceda cites slowdown in daily vaccinations, urges local governments to encourage more vaccinations, explore incentives; House tax chair says vaccine stock enough for one month of ‘aggressive’ vaccination; Procurement talks now needed for COVID-19 drug Molnupiravir