Press Releases

Statement on the Creation of the Water Resource Management Office

February 4th, 2023

by Rep. Joey Sarte Salceda
TWG Chair
Department of Water Resources

The executive creation of the apex body was part of discussions we had in the Technical Working Group on the Department of Water Resources. The DENR cleared the proposal to do an EO with the TWG last year and we happily gave our support.

This is a necessary first step towards unified and efficient governance of the water sector. The Office will be a venue to coordinate water sector functions and concerns.

Of course, there are still significant gaps that will need to be resolved by legislation. Among them is the issue of construction of water infrastructure such as dams, the approvals for which remains disjointed.

An overall water resource management strategy — especially water allocation — is still for discussion. Other issues such as sewerage regulation in cities outside Metro Manila are also still a grey area.

In other words, EO very good, law even better.

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