Press Releases


January 12th, 2022

Before restrictive policies, we have to guarantee that anyone who wants a vaccine can get one. As such, the means to get a vaccine have to be widely available and with a special preference towards the poor. Otherwise, it could deny access to basic public services among the poor who want to get vaccinated, but whose LGUs have not reached them yet.

We also have to get the national vaccination database in order. Even my own first dose was not recorded in the online vaccination certificate. It’s extremely easy to fake the LGU-issued vaccination certificates. And if any unvaccinated person is able to slip past the checks with a fake certificate, then the policy loses its point.

I thus urge the Metro Manila Council to launch aggressive vaccination campaigns that provide transportation and other incentives to underprivileged communities. It would be extremely unfair if those who want to get vaccinated but have limited access to them are denied public transportation. It will affect their livelihoods.

I also urge the IATF and LGUs to consider having large workplaces as vaccination sites, so that workers can take them at break hours or after work hours and need not take time off of work. Fridays are probably the best time to do them since workers can recover from vaccine side effects on the weekend.

In my constituencies, we transport those who are willing to be vaccinated to the vaxxing sites for free and provide them food. I encourage NCR LGUs to take the same approach.

In general, the best way to guarantee higher vaccination rates is still wide and convenient access for those who are willing. Everyone who wants a vaccine should be able to get one at little cost in time and personal resources. (end)

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